Calling all visionaries, wisdom seekers, sacred journeyers, healers, risk takers, revolutionaries

and wild souls who are on the path of divine discovery and reclaiming your wild mythopoetic soul through partnership with nature.

Our sensual nature and embodied sacred sexuality longs to be realized and revered, to luxuriate in it’s animal body-to instinctually hear, to be enlivened by smell, to bathe in touch, to deeply feel, to dance wildly, to sing boldly, to be ecstatically alive and to create your own masterpieces.

Come home to yourself gathering with other like hearted women in this potent container for an unforgettable weekend journey.

You will be embraced by :

A fecund 200 acre national park-esque ranch fringed in gorgeous limestone boulders, coursed with multiple nature trails, a stream and a 15 acre private lake located in Excelsior Springs, Mo. less than a hour drive from the Kansas City metro area.

(Lodging is a separate fee for the weekend.)

You will have choices of accommodations:

Your choices include unique magical rustic camp sites or modern indoor spacious settings to nurture and house you with full facilities and shared cooking/bathrooms.

  • Sleeping options and payments are reserved through the facilitators and are on a first come, first choice basis.
  • When you reserve your space please include the names, number of people, size of the bed/mattress/couch and location. (ie; Names/Farm House/queen bed).
  • Additional air mattresses can be provided at no additional cost if needed.
  • Register early to secure your preferred spot or a bedroom.

Housing Pricing:

First come/first choice of sleeping options. If you want a bedroom or other options register early.

  • Campsites- 20.00/night (5 sites, bring your personal tent)

  • Tree House- sleeps 4 (1 queen, air mattress x2) $185/night or 46.25/night per person upon full occupancy.

  • Farm House- sleeps 6 (1 queen, 1 full size, a couch, air mattress x2) $285.00/night or $47.50/night per person upon full occupancy.

  • Hole in the Wall- sleeps 6 (1 queen, 1 king, sectional couch x2, air mattress x1) $185.00/night or $31.00/night per person upon full occupancy.

Lodging and pricing may alter depending on numbers.

(With inclement weather conditions we may need to go indoors into one of the living spaces.)

Food accommodations:

You will dine on deliciously prepared catered dinners, shared potluck lunches and coffee/tea will be provided for breakfast/day.

A sign up sheet for lunches will be sent out prior to the weekend.

Your wild sensual soul will be activated by:

  • Ceremonial Temple Space
  • Shamanic Ritual
  • Guided Journeys
  • Altar Making/Mesa
  • Sacred Wanderings in Nature
  • Nature-based Soul Engagement
  • Fire Sacrificing/Fire Ceremonial Space
  • Despacho Ceremony
  • Sacred Arts
  • Divine Feminine Archetypes
  • Embodied Ecstatic Movement

What you will receive:

  • 3 Days of sacred ritual, ceremony and soul immersion journeys in nature steeped in ancient wisdom teachings and divine feminine archetypal practices from specialized facilitators in the Divine Feminine and Shamanic Wisdom Practices
  • You will design Your Creation Myth to live by
  • Embody Your Emerging Animal Guide
  • Participate in a Declaration Ceremony proclaiming your mythopoetic name and who you are in the world.
  • An interactive private Facebook group where you will receive feedback on your questions and support with the practices and you will have the opportunity to interact with the facilitators

Will you join us to come open your senses, intuitive knowing to the mystical adventures awaiting to enfold and to lay open her gifts creating a lasting partnership with the divine, hidden in the secreted language of the woodlands?

​Devi Wetterer

Devi is a transformational workshop facilitator, Temple Guide Priestess, Ishaya Monk and InterPlay Leader with a passion for leadership in self-expression, creativity and inner awareness. She is an apprenticing Priestess of the the 13 Moon Mystery School in The Priestess Presence Temple. She has dedicated her life to personal and spiritual evolvement through varied spiritual traditions. She brings her love for social artistry, performance art and improvisational play as an Artist, Poet, Dancer and Playgroup leader.

Devi also enjoys being a Physical Therapist as well as a Healing Arts Specialist. She describes herself as “an artist in residence, seeker of truth, fascinated by the day to day wonders of life dancing the joy of being and discovering more of the inner glow that resides in all of us. “Play and being in nature is where I find beauty and grace.

It is my honor to give recognition to my teachers, Elayne Kalila Doughty-focalizer of the Priestess Presence Temple, of the 13 Moon Mystery School by founder Ariel Spilsbury, and the InterPlay co-founders Cynthia Winton Henry and Phil Porter, who guided my training in body wisdom and embodied movement. I also wish to honor the Ishaya Monks who facilitated my training and initiation as a monk on the bright path.​ With great respect I acknowledge the land I reside on, the Cherokee Nation and the indigenous tribe who founded this land, The Cherokee Tribe.​

Amy Renee Kraus

Amy is a Wellness Practitioner & Soul Alignment Guide who uses her intuitive gifts, her training in the healing arts, and her personal experience to live a life true to our souls calling.

Amy guides her clients through processes that uncover what’s most needed for them to live an authentically aligned and purposeful life. She believes that we each have unique gifts and purposes that are important to this lifetime. Sometimes they lay dormant within us till it’s time for them to ignite.

Whether you are seeking clarity, healing, or guidance moving through life transitions, Amy's compassionate and intuitive approach can help you move forward on your journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Amy serves as a life guide & coach, as a sound healer and facilitator of sacred journeys & retreats, and is the podcast co-host of Magical Mystical Journeys.

Find her at


"Devi Wetterer's Sacred Residency group was a joy to participate in as I resurrected parts of myself that had been neglected or sidelined. I did not know what to expect but rediscovered my deeper connection to nature and the deeper well of my fullness and my own good company that I feared I had lost. Devi is a rich reservoir of wisdom, divine sacred practices, creativity and an ability to see peoples' authenticity and true gifts. Her compassion and empathy are beyond measure as she creates a magical space in which one feels fully seen and gotten. I highly recommend participation in anything that Devi offers."

Marilyn Marco

“Amy is a medicine woman, leader, and healer with deep wisdom, knowledge, and education around helping you identify different parts of yourself, how they are feeling, and how to integrate their information into your conscious state for deeper understanding of who you are and how to heal yourself.

She is an intuitive sound healer. Her frequency penetrates deep into your spirit to reveal the deepest parts of you that you run and hide from yourself so you can free them from the shadows and show them love once again to bring wholeness within your spirit.”

Ceara Lane/ Owner of Hāloa Healing

"A mystical nature-based weekend in the woods traversing the untamed terrain of your soul"

Wild Core

"Soul Immersion in the Woodlands"

July 28-30, 2023

Friday 10:00am to Sunday 3:00pm

The Sundance Ranch

You are invited to a most intimate, experiential, transformative and playful nature gathering of the senses, embodied soul and a sacred journey of the heart to the timeless essence of Self.

A time of deepening purpose, intent and heart listening embodying the echoes of your Wild Core calling across the landscape.

From the moment you step into ceremonial space you are in liminal time.

The boundaries encapsulating your reality disappear, the veils begin to thin. Every fiber of your being now alert to the incoming soul aligned messages expanding your awareness. You become available to the cosmic stream of information rippling below your thoughts.

Inner realms avail themselves in astonishing and heartfelt initiations that crack you open leaving you in a state of remembrance surpassing eons of time. Your sense of self is expanded, as if the universe sent you a personal invitation to dine on ancient wisdom, re-cognizing your innate gifts, intuitive knowing, your medicine and your place in the world. Finding yourself wandering in mystical realms you receive guidance, wisdom and clarity where answers now become increasingly evident.
"Nature-the outer nature we call "the wild"-has always been the essential element and the primary setting of the journey to soul. The soul, after all, is our inner wildness, the intra psychic terrain we know the least and that holds our individual mysteries. When we truly enter the outer wild - fully opened to its enigmatic and feral powers - the soul responds with it's own cries and cravings... To recover our innermost secrets, we must venture into the inner/outer wilderness, where we shall find our essential nature waiting for us". -Bill Plotkin

The wild soul longs to impart sweet droplets of transcendent knowledge awakening consciousness to what you have known along, boldly claiming the truth of your quintessential nature and your unique medicine to impart to the world.

Will you open to the call of the ancient lineages rebirthing you into you into existence, to the winds calling your name, to the Mother soaking in her embrace as you step onto her fertile body, to listen to the whispers of your timeless soul longing to fill your ears?

Come smell the woodland's encoded messages and familiar fragrance beckoning you deeper into remembrance.

When the mind is surrendered, we embark on a deep inner journey where our soul speaks to us in images, metaphors, sounds and colors.  Our soul language informs, transforms and opens the spiritual terrain for renewal and retrieval of our inner light to birth a new reality.

Come home to your wild soul and gather with others in this potent container for a uniquely transformative journey in partnership with nature.

You will be blessed with Ceremonial Temple Space, Shamanic Ritual, Sacred Arts, Ecstatic Dance, Nature -based Soul Engagement and Powerful Conversations.

What you can expect these 3 Days:

  • Embody your wild, divine feminine essence as your natural, instinctual, authentic expression in the world
  • Befriend nature and your body as the doorway to wisdom and freedom
  • Form a lasting bond with wild nature discovering /clarifying your unique niche in the world
  • Reclaim your sensual nature, joy and ecstasy as pathways to freedom
  • Powerfully create your mythopoetic self and the declaration of who you are in the world moving forward

This weekend immersion includes:

  • We are continuing to discern the itinerary for each day that will best serve your highest unfolding.

Course Value:

  • 3 Days in nature/soul immersion with highly specialized facilitators trained in Priestess and Shamanic transformative ritual and ceremonial sacred space infusions, guided journeys, sacred arts, embodied ecstatic movement and transformative conversations. $2,200.00
  • Shamanic Mesa Wisdom Teaching/Ritual- $333.00
  • Despacho Ceremony $150.00
  • Priestess Temple Ceremony $165.00

Pricing Details:

Total Value: $2,848.00

Available to you for just $281.00

Early Bird rates to 7/14

After 7/14 $366.00

Payment options are available.

Contact: Devi 816-830-7778 or Amy 816-500-5603.

(Lodging is a separate fee, see housing pricing for options, green section.)

We are delighted to share our wisdom, knowledge and expertise to facilitate your awakening, your gifts and transformation for a fraction of the cost.

Your contribution is just


Join us for this unforgettable journey in the woods designed to liberate your wild core, releasing the constraints of the past to live your new reality empowered and unstoppable.

Wild blessings, Devi and Amy


"We are honored to be receiving you for your soul immersion weekend in nature." Devi and Amy

Registration Information:

There are a few simple steps to register.

Follow the simple instructions.

  1. Once you enter your email below --press the Register Here button.
  2. You will receive a confirmation email immediately.
  3. Go to your email inbox then open the email to make your payment.
  4. Then you're done and in!!!!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.